I love travelling. I also hate packing. In fact, there are few things I find more stressful than trying to fit everything in my suitcase and making sure that the items I need can be found when (not if) they get buried deep under piles of clothing and souvenirs. But there are ways to make your packing experience easier and more organized so that getting ready for vacation doesn’t feel like a chore! So here are three tricks that will help you get organized for your next trip:
Perfect Trip Tips 1: Write a list.

The first trick to organizing your perfect trip? Write a list.
- Use a packing list template. The internet is full of helpful templates that can help you organize everything you need to pack, including:
- A checklist for each family member’s suitcase.
- An overall master packing list that covers all essentials (clothes and shoes, toiletries, etc.).
- A separate master checklist for what goes into your carry-on bag. This way, you don’t forget any essentials while travelling between flights or hotels!
Perfect Trip Tips 2: Get a packing cube or two.
If you’ve ever travelled with an organized suitcase, you know that it’s the best feeling in the world. That’s why it makes sense to bring along some packing cubes on your next trip. Packing cubes are lightweight, collapsible bags that can fit into your luggage and help keep everything neat and tidy. They’re also great for keeping dirty clothes separate from clean ones—just toss them in a plastic bag before storing them away.
They come in different sizes, so depending on how much clothing you plan on bringing with you—and if there’s room for extra items such as toiletries or shoes—you’ll be able to choose the right size bag for what fits nicely into your luggage compartment or backpack.
Perfect Trip Tip 3: Roll items as you pack them.
- Roll clothes. Rolling your clothing is a great way to save space in your suitcase and avoid wrinkling. To begin, lay out the item facing up on top of itself and fold the shirt or dress in half lengthwise. Then, starting from the bottom edge, roll it tightly (like you would a sleeping bag) until all of the material has been rolled up into one cylinder with no creases. Repeat this step with any other items that need packing. Leave some space at both ends so they’re easier to handle when you’re loading them into your bag!* Roll socks and underwear*. Socks can be rolled down like regular ones, but underwear will require folding them over themselves so they don’t get lumpy.* Roll toiletries*. You should always keep these items together in one place so they’re easy to find when needed.* Roll shoes*. Shoes can be hard to pack because they’re bulky and hard to stack together properly—but if you roll them instead of folding them flatly against each other side by side in the same direction (like most people do), then it becomes much easier! Just turn each shoe upside down, place its heel on top of its toes on another shoe’s sole (if there’s room), then bend over at an angle until both soles touch—then proceed as described above for shirts/dresses.
- Roll electronics:
If you have any loose cables or chargers for electronic devices such as laptops or smartphones then make sure there are no knots anywhere within either end before rolling everything together tightly enough so that there aren’t any gaps left open between coils; otherwise, those areas may become damaged while being transported inside luggage bags like suitcases where contents shift around quite often during travel periods due mainly due their high mobility level which makes their contents prone towards damage caused by friction between surfaces when subjected against another surface without proper protection such as cushioning material added beforehand through compression.”
These tricks will help make your packing easier and more organized.
Now that you have your list of activities and destinations, it’s time to get packing. If you travel often enough, or just love organizing things, then these tips will be especially helpful for you. Let’s take a look at how these tricks can make your next trip more organized and efficient:
- Start with an inventory of everything in your closet. This will help identify what items need to be packed and which ones can stay home. It also allows you to see if there are any gaps in your wardrobe that need filling before the trip (a cardigan? A pair of jeans?).
- Use a packing list as an outline for what should go into each bag and how much space it will take up.* Keep like items together; for example, put all pairs of shoes together or all shirts together.* Put bulky items like sweaters in their own bag so they don’t get smashed during transit.* Roll rather than fold clothes so they pack more efficiently — particularly important if there isn’t much room left due to other things being packed.* Wrap small electronics (like chargers) in bubble wrap before placing them inside an outer bag so they won’t break during transport!
We hope these tips have helped you to pack more efficiently and make the most of your next trip. Packing is one of those things that can seem daunting at times, but with a little bit of preparation and some creativity, it doesn’t have to be so bad.